Body Destinations proudly partners with The Cancer Center at Lowell General Hospital to provide it's patients with Integrative Wellness. If you are a patient of the Cancer Center at Lowell General Hospital and would like more information on we can help send us an email at or call us at 978-649-8900
Our principle focus is treating the whole person with an open-minded approach that focuses on each individual in a caring, comprehensive and coordinated manner. Our programs are intended as an extension—not a substitution for traditional medical care. We believe that addressing mind & body issues together has the potential to produce the most meaningful results. With the goal of maximizing your chances for maintaining or re-establishing the gift of a healthy life, we set our sights on your special needs as an individual.
For our patients:
If you or a loved one are facing the many challenges of cancer, massage and other skilled touch techniques can be your ally. For patient and caregiver alike, taking the time for a soothing and nurturing massage can be truly worthwhile, even in a schedule crowded with appointments. Caring, professional touch can ease pain, relax mind and body, and restore your body's own healing resources.
Oncology Programs
Many people find that when medication doesn't completely ease their pain, massage helps to relieve your discomfort. It can ease muscle tension, help eliminate irritating toxins, decrease achiness caused by forced inactivity, and reduce the discomforts of nausea, fatigue and insomnia.
Support for your recovery
Touch therapies can support recovery in a number of ways by increasing circulation and speed healing in tissues affected by surgery or radiation. Massage therapy techniques, when applied with caution, can reduce swelling and restore pliability to scarred areas, as well as decrease muscle tightness and increase range of motion. As massage reduces pain and stress, your body is better able to rally its healing capabilities on all levels.
Your emotional well-being
No matter what your stage of treatment, skilled and caring touch can affirm that life still holds warm, positive experiences. A one-on-one massage session can nurture you while you are undergoing treatment or adjusting to physical changes. If you have encountered changes in your activity levels or social network, or are coping with fear, anxiety or depression, massage can provide a time for self-care and acceptance of tender emotions. In cases where cancer is no longer treatable, attentive touch may provide the most consoling support a person can receive.
What the research says
Studies have found that cancer patients variously experienced less pain, anxiety, nausea or fatigue, increased their immune response, and felt more relaxed after receiving massage or other touch therapies.
Part of your health care team
It is now generally accepted by the medical profession that gentle, professional touch can reduce many of the discomforts of cancer and its treatment. Your care is complex, however, so inform your physician or patient care team before receiving message. Your therapist needs to be kept up-to-date on your treatment to determine what is appropriate.
Meeting your unique, individual needs
Everyone is different, and depending on where you are in your treatment, your needs may also differ from one session to the next. Communicating with your therapist is very important. Keep in mind that massage can tax your energy. Short sessions may be best at first, to help you and your therapist judge what works best for YOU.